Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Economics and the Moral Weight of Citizenship

Tyler Cowen's column in Sunday's New York Times makes a strong case that it is a mistake to see economics as a cold, calculating science bereft of morality. At its heart there has always been something deeply moral about economics, an often-unstated premise about the equal moral worth of people and their interests.
But, when he tries to argue that there is something wrong with considering matters such as trade and immigration primarily from the viewpoint of national interest, Cowen also unintentionally exhibits a moral blindness that inflicts many economists.
One enormous issue is international migration. A distressingly large portion of the debate in many countries analyzes the effects of higher immigration on domestic citizens alone and seeks to restrict immigration to protect a national culture or existing economic interests. The obvious but too-often-underemphasized reality is that immigration is a significant gain for most people who move to a new country.

Michael Clemens, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development in Washington, quantified these gains in a 2011 paper, "Economics and Emigration: Trillion-Dollar Bills on the Sidewalk?" He found that unrestricted immigration could create tens of trillions of dollars in economic value, as captured by the migrants themselves in the form of higher wages in their new countries and by those who hire the migrants or consume the products of their labor. For a profession concerned with precision, it is remarkable how infrequently we economists talk about those rather large numbers.

Truly open borders might prove unworkable, especially in countries with welfare states, and kill the goose laying the proverbial golden eggs; in this regard Mr. Clemens's analysis may require some modification. Still, we should be obsessing over how many of those trillions can actually be realized.

In any case, there is an overriding moral issue. Imagine that it is your professional duty to report a cost-benefit analysis of liberalizing immigration policy. You wouldn't dream of producing a study that counted "men only" or "whites only," at least not without specific, clearly stated reasons for dividing the data.

So why report cost-benefit results only for United States citizens or residents, as is sometimes done in analyses of both international trade and migration? The nation-state is a good practical institution, but it does not provide the final moral delineation of which people count and which do not. So commentators on trade and immigration should stress the cosmopolitan perspective, knowing that the practical imperatives of the nation-state will not be underrepresented in the ensuing debate.

Let's engage in a thought experiment to examine Cowen's assertion that the nation is a "good practical institution" that fails to "provide the final moral delineation of which people count and which do not."

Say that a cruise ship is sinking in the Atlantic Ocean, somewhere near Ireland. The Irish know they can get a rescue helicopter there in time to save some passengers, but it is unclear whether the helicopter will be able to make a return journey for a second rescue mission. It is also unclear whether help from other nations will arrive in time.
The rescue helicopter can save 25 of the 300 passengers on board.
Of course, Cowen is right that we would deplore a policy that instructed the rescue team to rescue "men only." We would not, however, feel the same about a policy that instructed the team to rescue "women and children first." This is an indication that when we are making distinctions about policies we do not rely on an analytical egalitarianism that refuses to say some people count more than others.

Cowen is also right that we would deplore a policy that instructed the rescue team to rescue "whites only." We would also deplore one geared at "Asians only" or "Africians only" or "Latinos only." So our egalitarianism counts for something.

But let's say that there are 15 Irish women and children on board the sinking ship. Would anyone begrudge the Irish rescuers saving these passengers before the others? Of course not. If anything, I'd argue that this is exactly what we would expect.

Preferring your fellow countrymen's interests over those of foreigners is not equivalent to saying that other people do not count. It is saying that, when not fully compatible, their interests do not count equally.

Attempting to claim that economics cannot—or should not—recognize the moral weight of citizenship is a smear against economics that its friends should avoid making.

Sources: cnbc.com

Friday, June 19, 2009

Laman Indah @ bandar seri putra

laman indah is located in badnar seri putra, an 898 self-contained township located along the kl-seremban highway. Directly accessible via the putra-mahkota interchange. Bandar seri putra is designed for a progressive and increasingly affluent community of residents and businesess.

it's worth another look.

Read the advertisement in Malay. it's sounds So funny when their translate from english...

anyway still a good job. Their should hired malay writer to overhaul the article.

see ya!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

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To Your Success,

Friday, May 1, 2009

NPL Mac On 2.2 Not Changed Peratus, Financing Growth Kekal

Growth in gross financing of the private sector menerusi the banking system and capital market berterusan on the Mac, whereas not paying the loan (NPL) remained unchanged at 2.2 peratus.

Purata rate loan on a Mac declined to the lowest stage of 5:16 peratus.

Growth of expenditure supported by loans and issue private debt security (PDS) which is greater, said Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).

On the net basis, banking system loans and PDS collected in developing the annual rate of 10.7 at the end of the peratus Mac peratus proportionate 10.9 in February, said the central bank is in fact one, here, Wednesday.

Capital hefty loan and not paying the capital ratio is stable in the banking system during the month mengukuh supported part of the aggregate amount of the capital by several banking institutions in an effort to increase capacity again bear the risk persekitaran Following a more mencabar.

Wajaran risk ratio (RWCR) increased to 13.4 peratus when capital ratio terrace add to the 11.5 peratus.

Amount of the deposit with the banking system increased as much as RM9.3 milliard or 8.0 peratus in the annual rate on a Mac.

The addition of the deposit payment is due by the kingdom of the shopping month. The customer, the deposit is higher than the placement berpunca deposit kewangan by institutions, companies and some small part by the individual.

The same type, the increase in the deposit is chiefly in the form of deposit instruments may trade (NID) and the deposit banking system (ibs).

Bookmarks primary loan on a Mac higher proportionate February. Request to the commerce sector increased financing on a Mac, as reflected by the loan application of a higher RM18.6 milliard.

Expenditure loans also increased to some RM38.8 milliard, with funds channeled mainly to the sectors hartanah, transportation, storage and communication, and social perkhidmatan, msyarakat and persendirian.

At the end of the Mac, some collected loans grew at an annual rate of 9.5 peratus (end-February: 10.0 peratus).

For the household sector, loan applications, and expenditure of the loan increases on a Mac mainly because of higher loan to purchase residential property and the use of credit kad.

Collected household loans grew as much as 8.8 at the end of the peratus-Mac (end-February: 8.9 peratus).

Pemerolehan net funds in the capital market amounted to RM11 milliard on the Mac.

In general public sector, a number of RM12.3 milliard obtained through the security of the Kingdom of Malaysia 3 years and 5 years, and through the publication Bon Merdeka Savings.

On the net basis, net pemerolehan funds by sector amounted to RM6.6 commoner milliard. In the private sector, roughly pemerolehan funds also increased to RM6.8 with ketara milliard, milliard than RM1.9 earned in February.

Some of the funds obtained syarikat than kewangan sector, transportation and development.

After making penyelarasan for redemption, net pemerolehan funds by the private sector amounted to RM4.4 milliard, said BNM.