Saturday, May 2, 2009

FREE $995 automated online investing software!

Hi acfj!

You're welcome to attend a free webinar I'm having next Wednesday
about how to work less and make more in real estate.

The subject is: "How to Make Millions Buying and Selling Real
Estate Using the Internet".

Yes, that's right. We're giving away a $995 software program
for FREE to everyone who joins us on the call next week. I won't
tell you too much about it just yet but I can assure you that you
can't afford to miss out on this!

Just go to this web address to register for the call:

Some investors think if they just put up more "We Buy Houses"
signs, or call more FSBOs (for sale by owner classified ads),
they'll make more money. Problem is, there are only so many
hours in the day!

There's a saying "The less I work, the more I make." Well, if
that sounds good to you, then you simply need to be part of
this free webinar. I am going to show you how the RIGHT
automated online investing system will be that "missing piece
of the puzzle" you need to make your real estate career take off.

"Jeff's marketing systems are amazing!", says student, Brian
Paul, from Petaluma CA. Brian made a quick 34 grand off my
marketing systems - the same ones I'll be talking about on
the call.

This is a "win win" deal for you: The call is free, and
you'll hear the secrets for having a full-time day job (if
you want one), and still making full-time money in real
estate, in your spare time.

Remember, this call is FREE. Just go to this web address
to register for the call:

See you next Wednesday!

To Your Success,

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